The views and contours found within nature grab me and I want to reflect or interpret the beauty of what I see through paint.

I am grateful to come from a strong line of creative women, and have loved making art since childhood. Seeing my own children create in recent years has drawn me back into art making. For me, creativity is a gift and a spiritual practice, my way of connecting to God. In awe of our created landscapes, I became interested in responding more and more through paint a few years ago. 

Having grown up in West Auckland, I have a strong connection to our local landscapes. I love to regularly walk the rural back roads near where I live to find inspiration. The views and contours found within nature grab me and I feel to reflect or interpret the beauty of what I see through paint.

I am drawn to the light in the landscape as it enhances certain colours at different times of day. I look for contrast, interesting colours, shapes within nature to paint. I hope to reflect the beauty of light in my work, and evoke a sense of joy. Painting has helped me through some dark times, it brings me joy to see the effect of paint colours intersecting.

Camille Joy

“I hope to reflect the beauty of light in my work, and evoke a sense of joy.”